Succo di frutta fatto in casa foto di Laura Ramerini
Succo di frutta fatto in casa foto di Laura Ramerini

Homemade fruit juices

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With the summer comes good and tasty fruit and then the opportunity to prepare homemade fruit juices

The homemade and non-industrial fruit juices are genuine and rich in vitamins and minerals, because here the fruit is really present!


  • 1 kg. of fruit, excluding peel and stone
  • 1,250 lt. of water
  • 300 gr. of granulated sugar
  • 1 lemon
  • 4-5 glass bottles ml. 500 with caps


Put the fruit in water and baking soda for half an hour, then rinse well under running water and with a knife remove the peel and the core.

In the meantime, turn off both the lids and the glass jars in a pot with water boiling for 20 minutes, then put everything to dry over a cotton spoon.

Then cut the fruit into small pieces not so large and left aside.

Now, pour the fruit cut with the juice of a lemon and bring back to the boil.

From this moment calculate 10 minutes of cooking or the time necessary for the fruit to be soft, in the meantime if it will start to form foam on the surface remove it by collecting it with a skimmer.

Then, turn off the stove and with the help of a minipimer dip reduce the cooked fruit cream.

Now you can decide to bottle the mixture as it is ( as a smoothie ) or get the juice by filtering everything by a colander.

Proceed with the vacuum packed by placing the jars inside a large pot covered with cold water.

Calculate that to steralize and form the vacuum packed will take 30 minutes of boiling.

Then turn off the stove and let the bottles cool inside the pot with water, then check if the vacuum has happened, pressing in the center of the lids ( you should not feel any cklik).

The juice or smoothie is kept in the pantry all winter away from light.