Patate foto di Laura Ramerini
Patate foto di Laura Ramerini

Homemade potato chips

Questo post è disponibile anche in: Italian

Homemade potato chips is not a dream, today it is possible to make at home without problems and of course they are more genuine than those bought.
To make it lighter, you can also prepare the chips in the oven!

To prepare homemade potato chips you need to follow some simple but essential precautions, some tricks with elements that we all have at home, I’m talking about water, vinegar and salt.

The potatoes you will have to use will be the ones with red paste hard and compact because they are low in starch.

For cooking in the oven you must grease a pan, put the potatoes, salt and sprinkle with other oil ( of olive ), cook them at 160°C ( ventilated oven.) until they’ll become crispy.

The only negative will be to remove the pan with the potatoes often for cool them and then bake it again until cooked.

They will certainly be less caloric but it will cost you electricity, taking you a lot of time.!


  • 3 medium red-skinned potatoes
  • salt up to taste
  • 3 tablespoons of white vinegar
  • water needed
  • a few ice cubes
  • 1 lt. of peanut oil used for frying
  • paprika powder, or chilli pepper or a mix of aromatic herbs to taste
  • 1 mandolin for cutting potatoes
  • 1 slotted spoon


Start by brushing the potatoes to remove earthy residues on the surface, then wash them with water, you will have to cook them with the peel !

Now take a bowl where you have poured plenty of cold water, place the mandolin on it if possible and start slicing the potatoes diagonally to cut them a little bigger.

Leave the potatoes to soak in the water for 15 minutes, then rinse well with the water until it becomes transparent and therefore starch-free.

Now fill the bowl again with cold water, adding a few ice cubes, vinegar and two teaspoons of fine salt.

Let it rest in the fridge for 20 minutes, then place the potatoes on a colander and rinse them well with water.

Then, spread a towel, put the potatoes on top without overlapping them and with another start to dab until dry.

Now that you are ready for cooking, pour the seed oil into a pan and bring it to a temperature of 170 ° C ( Test the toothpick around which you will see to form bubbles).

Pour the potatoes a few at a time and now begins the most important stage!

With the help of a slotted spoon, until the end of cooking, pull the potatoes out of the oil and put them back inside (the same time they will remain immersed in the oil will be the same as they will remain outside).

The potatoes will therefore lower in temperature, avoiding burning during cooking.

Put paper towels on top of the colander and when the chips will be cooked put them on to drain and shake with light movements.

Then spread the chips over a tray covered with other paper towels.

Finish by flavoring with the aromas you love the most, using only salt or the spices you prefer.!


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